All about Milk
Whether gulped by the glass or added to your favourite recipes, Canadian milk is a nutritious and delicious staple. See how Canadian milk you love makes its way from the farm to your local grocery store.
Nutritious and delicious, milk has been one of the most essential foods in our daily lives for centuries. It’s also the key ingredient in so many of the foods we love, from butter and cream to cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.
Read on to find out more about the different types of milk, its nutritional value, and everything you can use milk for to make your meals taste that much better, from cooking to baking to heating it up for hot chocolate. Plus, we’ve got dozens of recipes featuring milk! From your morning coffee or smoothie, to a chilled glass with dessert, milk is enjoyable from the start of the day to the end.
All kinds of Milk
Whole milk
Partly skimmed milk
Skim milk
Chocolate milk
Filtered milk
Lactose-free milk
Organic milk
Lots more
Keeping it cool
As cows are milked, the milk is carried from the milker through a pipeline and stored directly in refrigerated stainless steel tanks to reduce bacterial growth and maximize freshness.
Put to the test
A certified milk grader collects milk at the farm. Milk is sampled and evaluated before it’s onloaded onto the truck and tested again before it’s offloaded at the plant. Only high-quality milk that’s free of antibiotics can enter the plant.
All kinds of delicious
Cream is separated from the non-fat milk by a centrifugal machine, then adjusted in standard proportion to create the 4 varieties of milk Canadians know and love: 3.25% (whole milk), 1% and 2% (partly-skimmed milk), and 0% (skim milk).
Ready to enjoy
Milk is pasteurized to eliminate bacteria, homogenized for an even texture, and finally vitamins are added (vitamin D to all varieties, and vitamin A to partly-skimmed and skim milk). It’s then packaged and shipped to your local grocery store, where it’s ready for you.